From the moment the film begins you can feel this will be memorable. 'I just missed your heart' the opening and closing lines of the film, set the tone for this action packed, thrilling ride of a movie. Saoirse Ronan delivers a immaculate and impressive interpretation of her character and completely commands the attention of the audience throughout the entire film. Her naturally innocent face and elf like features make her flawless and brutal character all the more endearing. The soft central scenes of the film and her friendships with the traveling family show she is a product of her environment and not innately dangerous. There are touches of humor as well, 'Hanna how did your mother die?' '3 bullets' that made the audience uproar with laughter. These moments contrasts with the dark and evil character that Tom Hollander plays for example. Summing up the plot, this film should (in stereotypical conventions of film character) have cast a male to play the main protagonist, and maybe an older one at that. But they didn't and it works. The film would have lost its appeal and its rarity if this had happened. With truly breathtaking pieces of cinematography (deer/snow/her) fluttering through its pace against one of the most current sound tracks for years, Hanna (Ronan) keeps it real and believable and truly kicks arse (for once) doing it like a girl!
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